August 21, 2017

SAITO (Western Stupa) in Danjo Garan is 

August 24th & September 3rd
9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

Free of Charge  No reservations

Lecture (30min.)
Japanese)  10:30a.m.  1:30p.m.  3:00p.m.
         Mr. Keiji Yuki (Wakayama Cultural Assets Center)
English)  11:00a.m.  2:00p.m.  3:30p.m.
          Ms. Noriko Matsuyama (KCCN)

Special Events on August 24th and September 3rd

(1) Mechanical Inspection of Drencher is shown at 2:30p.m.
   at Mie-do in Danjo Garan.(In case of rain, it will be cancelled)

(2) Garden of Shochi-in is open to the public   9a.m. – 4p.m. 
   (Registered Monument.  Designed by Mirei Shigemori)

Dear Mr.Pilgrim from Denmark
Congratulations!! You've completed the visiting of 88 temples in Shikoku and reached Koyasan by bike on 14th August.
It was nice meeting you at Daishi Kyokai. Oh, what a nice surprise to see your hand-writings of Heart Sutra!
Amazing! Excellent!! Today I offered the paper in front of Kobo Daishi to pray. Please write back to me if you find out this site. I wish you good luck and happiness.  

August 7, 2017

Free Guided Tours
August 13th    
9am ~ 2pm
Each tour starts every 60 minutes

Kongobuji Garan Tour (1 hour)
Meet at Visitor Information Center(VIC),
in the Daishi Kyokai building

Okunoin Tour  (1.5 hours)
   ★Meet at Ichinohashi 

 ( Koyasan Cross-cultural Communication Network)
  Phone: 090-1486-2588 / 090-3263-5184 
  /  0736-56-2270  

Candle Festival2017
(Okunoin Mando Kuyo-e)

August 13th  at  OKUNOIN

On August 13th, Candle Festival (Okunoin Mandokuyo-E) is held in Koyasan every year. The period from August 13th to 15th is called “Obon”. It is a Japanese custom to honor the spirits of our ancestors, which are supposed to return to their earthly homes. In order to entertain such spirits, many events are held throughout Japan. Here in Koyasan, tens of thousands of candles are placed on both sides of the long approach leading up to Kobo Daishi’s Mausoleum tonight. We hope you will enjoy this fascinating event with us.

1.      Smoking is strictly prohibited in the holy site of OKUNOIN including the path to Kobo Daishi’s Mausoleum.
2.      No lavatories are along the approach ahead. Please use the lavatories near the entrance of OKUNOIN before you start walking.
3.      The last bus bound for Koyasan Station leaves BUS STOP 14 Okunoin-mae at 9:10pm. It connects to the last cable car leaving Koyasan Station at 9:40pm. It is the last access to Namba Osaka.


July 23, 2017

KCCN's website has been renewed. When using with smartphone It is easy to use and improved.

December 29, 2013

The International Event in Koyasan 2013

  The International Event in Koyasan 2013 was held on November 15th-17th.
This event was organized by KCCN in order to promote mutual understandings and cross-cultural communications between Japanese and foreign residents in Japan. It was our great pleasure to have ten excellent speakers and three wonderful musicians for this event. After all, the event has achieved a remarkable success with a lot of positive messages from the audience. With the help of so many people dealing with the international exchange programs, the event went off very well. I deeply appreciate your kind supports and cooperation.

15th November 
Meet at a temple == Visit Daishi Kyokai for the religious ritual, “Ojukai” == Visit Kongobuji & Garan.

Making Juzu (prayer’s beads) was one of the unique programs taking us to a journey to ourselves. The process was very simple, however, it was a precious moment to reflect on our life – past and future, of course bright future, I hope.

16th November
“Speech & Performance” was held at “Reimei-kan,” the auditorium in the Koyasan University.  The program consists of two parts: Japanese speech and Musical performance.


*Opening: The hall was echoed with the solemnly sound of Buddhist chant called “Shomyo,” which is a style of Japanese Buddhist chant, used mainly in the Buddhist ceremonies. Ten Budhsit monks performed the one that Kukai had brought to Japan from China in 806. 

*The first stage: Each one of the ten speakers from eight different countries (America, Brazil, China, Germany, Korea, Philippine, Spain, Sweden) made a speech in Japanese. They are foreign residents living in Japan. Some have been in Japan for more than ten years, some have just come to Japan two months ago.  Regardless of nationality and career, their messages were impressive enough to move the audience.

◆Here are some comments from the Japanese speakers. 

①    My Treasure. What I cherish the most.
Aron Freidus (America)

 I would first like to sincerely thank you and all the members of KCCN for the wonderful event on Saturday that you all clearly worked so hard to prepare. I hope that myself and the other speakers were not too much of a burden.
→Read more

② A Trip to Koyasan
   Jofferson Gonzales (Philippine)

Located in Wakayama, Japan, Koya-san is the place for he who loves Buddhist temples and beautiful scenery. I was there and I loved it.
→Read more

③ Report on my stay at Koyasan
Heiko Lang (Germany)

 I was generously invited by the KCCN to Koyasan, in order to deliver a speech at the symposium “What I wish to share – my treasure”.   →Read more

④ My Treasure. What I cherish the most.
Paula  (Spain)

 This year's Koyasan Speech Forum topic was My Treasure. 
What I cherish the most.     →Read more

⑤ My Treasure. What I cherish the most.
  Pohl Marcus (Germany)

 First of all, I have to thank you so much. When I left Koya-San I really was ashamed of all the good impressions you gave me just for so little amount of work I had to put in. I was overwhelmed of so much hospitality and I think, this is a main aspect of Japanese culture, because I got such experiences also from other Japanese people.     →Read more

⑥ My Treasure. What I cherish the most.


  →Read more

*The second stage: Three musicians performed respectively.
Alpa by Ms. Maruta, Chinese Biwa by Ms. En Yoh, and Hammer Dulcimer by Mr.Daisuke Inaoka. They not only performed the traditional musical instruments, but also explained about the origins of the instruments.
Finally, we were fascinated by beautiful ensemble of the three. 

◆Alpa (Paraguai harp) by Ms. Etsuko Maruta.
◆Chinese Biwa(Lute) by Ms. En Yoh.
◆Hammer Dulcimer (the original form of the piano today) by Mr. Daisuke Inaoka.

17th November:

We left the temple early in the morning to go on a field trip to the forest. By way of Okunoin, we proceeded to the forest. It was a great experience for us to have a meditation practice in the forest. Listening to the birds and leaves trembling in the wind, the fresh air helped us refresh our body and mind.

(Afterword) Filing the documents, every comment I read encouraged me a lot. I really appreciate you all. I hope this event develop into the annual event in Koyasan.   I wish you good luck and a happy new year.

With a lot of love,
Noriko M.

Photo Albums is  Here

June 5, 2012

[International Event in Kudoyama and Koyasan, 2012]

4th through 6th May, International Event was held in Kudoyama and Koyasan to promote mutual understandings between Japanese and foreigners living in Japan.

 ← Program(1)


 On the first day,
"Speech & Performance" was held in Kudoyama.The nine speakers from eight different countries talked about the differences between their own cultures and the Japanese. They made speeches in fluent Japanese. It was a great help for the audience to understand them, also it brought them all the closer to each other. After the speech, we were fascinated by the beauty of the authentic performances; Traditional Indian Music, Opera duet, Chinese Biwa and Korean Dancing.  The performances were dynamic and elegant, and more than impressive. Here again, I'd like to express my gratitude to all of the participants including Shiide-Onimai, the demon dancing performed by the local people as an opening attraction.

The next day, fifteen foreign residents took part in the procession of the traditional Samurai Parade, SANADA MATSURI.

After the parade, we went to Koyasan to stay in a Buddhist temple. Having meditation, enjoying vegetarian cuisine, having a lecture about Buddhism, making Juzu beads, joining in the morning service early in the morning, and walking tour. Needless to say, all of the experiences in Koyasan are the perfect lesson to introduce Japanese culture, I believe. I hope this program will be a help to enrich cross-cultural communication.

Photo Albums is  Here

Here are some of the reports from the participants of the event.

Report from  Arifin Zainal
First of all, I would like to gratitude KCCN for providing the three days remarkable activity. This was the first time I experienced the Japanese culture in such a close distance.
The Primary places of whole schedule can be concluded into Kudoyama  Presentation and Show, Sanada Residence Sightseeing, Kudokawa Host Family Domicile, Sanada Festival Parade, and Koyasan Buddhist Life Observe.
read more

Report form Didy Kupanhy

Report from Angelica Lim

April 11, 2012

KCCN 春の高野山








普門院は、小堀遠州が作庭したと言われる名庭園も魅力です。そして、本格的な茶室もあるのです。食後、私達は庭園鑑賞を楽しんだ後、茶室の待合所へ案内されました。そこで、なんとサプライズで、和歌山在住の瓦野 早紀子さんの二胡演奏を聴くことができたのです。気さくなお人柄の瓦野さんは、中国の伝統楽器、二胡の説明を交えながら、私達のリクエストにも快く応じてくださり、風林火山やダッタン人の踊り、花、などなど次々と演奏して下さって、異文化に接する機会を持つことができました。独特な音色を出す二胡を、まじかに見たのは初めてで、竹と馬のしっぽで出来た弓と、へびの皮を張った本体がくっついているのが面白い。バイオリンなどの西洋楽器とちがうところです。




December 11, 2011

「KCCN 冬の企画」にご参加頂いた皆様

12月3日開催の「KCCN 冬の企画」にご参加頂いた皆様

来年も引き続き 四季折々の高野山の魅力を味わって頂ける内容で企画を提供していきたいと考えています。
















・山口先生の 高野百景 を購入しようと思います。
・「新 高野百景」を持っているので、また別の本も読もうと思います。






KCCN 代表 松山典子

October 28, 2011

Thank you very much for your participation

KCCN offers Wednesday Tours from April to October with the fee of 1000 yen per person.
Your donation covers both your transportation on the tour and the guides' transportation to and from Koyasan.
Unfortunately Japan has had a hard time on tourism because of many natural disaster and the accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

So many foreign tourists cancel their trip to Japan even here about 700km away from Fukushima.

We conclude Wednesday Tours of 2011 but we're still offering the Custom Tour which is planned out just for you depend on your itinerary and the interest any days of the year.
So if you ever come to Koyasan, please feel free to ask us. With our guiding you can enjoy Koyasan a lot more.

We're looking forward to seeing you anytime.

By KCCN staff